Saturday, February 15, 2014

Earning Money Writing for

US Gov. image in public domain

Although I write for 10 or so different websites, the one where I earn the most money is so I thought the other members of the Preferred Writer Group would want to know about it.

Back when print was king, I earned $400 - $450 per article writing for magazines, but those days appear to be over. Now I write for less than a penny per page view, but the place that penny goes the furthest for me is Examiner.

Not only does Examiner pay a higher percentage of a penny than the other sites I write for, but it attracts many viewers so I don't have to do all the work of promoting my articles.

Examiner's minimum word count requirement is only 150 words per article, so it isn't difficult to come up with ideas and articles. If you know a little basic SEO and have some social networking skills, it helps pull in readers, page views and earnings more quickly.

Earn an Easy $25

Right now Examiner is also offering a "signing bonus" of $25 if new writers contribute two articles of 150 words or more for their first two months. This helps cover the first two normally low-paying months while a writer starts to build a library of articles and begins to get the word out. 

If you have not tried Examiner, you should check it out. It is not "get rich quick," but for any writer who can steadily generate articles of 150 words or more each month, it is a good way to earn several hundred dollars a month once you have a library of content up. That is definitely money I can put to good use!

Examiner is currently in the US and Canada. I am not sure what other countries it might be in now or expanding into.

Click Here to find out more or save this link to use in the future:

What I Examine:

 Also see: How to Earn Money Writing for 

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Post ID KD214


    1. I will check it out. Thanks for the review.

      1. Great! Let me know if you have any questions. You are welcome to use me as a referral if you do sign up. There is a box where you can let them know you were referred. Some of their Support documents state that they look at referred writers more seriously than people who just contact them out of the blue. You can let them know Kathryn Darden, Skin Care Examiner, referred you.

      2. i was going to ask how to get you a referral

      3. Thanks! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    2. If there's no call for Australian writers, I'll give it a miss.

      1. I don't know if they have expended into Australia yet. You are welcome to check it out and find out.

    3. thanks for kindly sharing, i'll check it

      1. Great! Let me know if you have any questions about writing for Examiner.

    4. Thanks, I went and completed the application for our area and will wait for a approval and I did give your name as the referral.

      1. Wonderful! What category or topic did you apply for? Let me know if you get it! It takes a couple of weeks to find out sometimes.

    5. I've been just barely keeping my account alive, but I've been thinking more and more about devoting some time to see if I can get my 3 titles off the ground. I have two local titles for an area I no longer live around, so it's hard to get motivated. However, extra income is always welcome.
