Thursday, February 20, 2014

Back to business guys- a word to the young entrepreneur

This is for my young business graduates. I suggest you should work in a good company before thinking about starting a business of your own. I also suggest going for a ‘good’ company than going for a ‘big’ company. Work hard for couple of years getting a first hand feel of business world. Have a good look on every department of the business especially the sector that you did not study during your college period.

What I understand is that people who enter into the business as soon as hey finish the business school thinking that they have learned enough and the finance is available with financial institutes, they make a big mistake. They know about theory of business but almost nothing about cash flow, loans, network, exchange and the least, about actual marketing.  

If your business plans include something big, try to find a like minded partner having good knowledge and willingness to succeed. You should know that banks could provide you loan but not the skill needed to run a company. So, my final word is, do not try to start a business unless you have no proper knowledge to handle it.  

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