Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Our neighbors should have more than us

We all have heard - If you want to live peacefully, share your happiness with your neighbors. A perfect idea to stay happy, but how would you feel if someone feels that his neighbors should be happier so that he could spend his own life happily!

Let me quote ‘How to Talk Well’ by James Bender (This book is available at Amazon) to understand this idea in a better way. Bender has written about an award-winning farmer in this book. The farmer regularly won the best producer’s award every year and distributed the seeds of his award-winning crop to his neighbors.

When an interviewer asked him about his action, the farmer told him the reason. He said- to grow a good crop you need a good pollination in the air of the area. If the environment of the area would contains inferior pollen that would adversely affect my produce. I give good seeds to my neighbors to get better results for my own crops, simple as that.
Photo source- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollination


  1. Love your neighbors as you love yourself.Great post.

    1. Yes, one of the 10 commandments but in a more practical way. Thanks for your comment.

  2. This is nice reminder that we should care more about the person next to us. I for one am happier when I share and go out of my way to help someone else. Glad you posted this, the world needs a reminder, too.

    1. Thanks Arvi, the person who knows about value of sharing knows the value real happiness. Thank you so much for your great comment.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, we all know the value of sharing but sometimes we overlook it, thanks a lot.

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