Thursday, February 27, 2014

Do you fear death?

      Death is  the cessation of  biological functions that sustain in a living  organism.Associated with the belief  of  reincarnation and  ressurection.Life after death what  would  it  be  like?Paradise they say.No  pain  ,no sufferring and  no  more  agony.Happiness only  is  felt  with  joy  and  laughter  of  everbody.If  this  is  the  case  then  I will  not fear death.Living  in  paradise  would  mean  a  perfect life. Today  with  every  problem  we  face  then  I  would  rather  die and  live  in  paradise.
      Eternal oblivion is  the  belief  that  consciousness permanently  ceases to exist.
Individual self permanently ceases  to  exist after death.There is  no  afterlife such  as  a heaven, purgatory or hell, or  any  existence  or  consciousness after  death.
      Belief  in  oblivion stems from the hypothesis that  the  brain creates the mind.Therefore when the brain dies, the mind  ceases  to  exist.
      Eternal  oblivion, life after death  which  ever  is  true .When  you  feel  pain  ripped  over  your body  and  seems  you  could no  longer  hold  on to  life ,then why  not  let  death take over.Rather  than  sufferring those agony it  is  better  to  accept  death.

Source: Wikipedia-The free encyclopedia
Written by:Adeline Addog

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