Cigarette smoking is injurious to health; smoking is a bad habit, very bad habit. How many cigarettes are too many to make bad effect on one’s health? Does it make a difference how one drowns, whether he goes down in 6 ft of water or six inches of fast flowing water?
Then what is the remedy? It’s simple but you’ll have to change your mindset, in place of thinking in straight lines, think in circles because when you think in straight lines, you are running away from the problems. You are trying to find temporary solutions.
We know that smoking, drinking, overeating stresses are bad for health but I have seen thousands of people who love smoking and almost all of them are good people with good habits, they remain happy and live a healthy life. I have also seen people, they do not smoke, drink or have any other so-called bad habits, but some of them are living stressed life.
No, I am not trying to say that smoking is a good habit but what I am trying to say is that the life does not go in straight lines. It has circles and while trying to get rid of a problem one must look over all its complications. Thinking in straight lines will lead you nowhere.
Yeah.. Its not necessary that person who is having no bad habit is living healthy life.. But still better do it at certain limit.. Good one. ;)