Sunday, February 23, 2014

Here is My Experience in Freelancing

After I gave up my work somewhere in 2006 I noticed that the internet became popular in the Philippines, you can see different café and computer shop being put up in different busy street and places. Which yours truly also joined the bandwagon and start my own internet café business.

Business is good at beginning but because this is a business to set up easily the competition became crowded and day by day I lost customers. I knew then that my business will not last and soon I have no choice but to close it. But before that I began to research different way to earn at home which I met a few bloggers to help me set up my own blog.

From that day I started to learn a lot in freelancing from PPC to microjobs that earns a little. Soon I began to make some profit from my blog with direct advertisers and SEO managers like SocialSpark, SponsoredReviews and ads in Nuffnang. I also tried Adsense but because I am not SEO experts earning in this kind of advertisement is so minimal. I then concentrate in writing in my blogs and even took the challenge to write for other bloggers called as a ghost writer.

Freelancing is amazing, because who needs to drive to go at work when I can just simply turn on my laptop and do my things I love. Freelancing and writing is the answer for unemployment and I encourage you to do the same if you don’t have job or you just hated your current job.

To read more for the details of my history in freelancing, visit my post at MyExperience in Freelancing


  1. I agree, working from home is the best, anything we put our minds to we can do.

    1. yeah its hard to work far and worrying my child at school or at home

  2. working from home is great but the money needs to be worth my effort. but I am just starting out so I hope I can make good money

    1. it wont happen overnight but little by little you can see the effort of trying it

  3. I agree that the money needs to be worth the effort. But I also see and have experienced the long term benefits (sort of like publishing a book). You might not see all the money early on, but it builds up.

    1. publishing a book is to much for me, but looks it suited you
