Saturday, February 15, 2014

FreeDigitalPicutres : Beautifully Colored Bush Leaves

 Hey PWG

The latest update to my freedigitalpictures blog has five photos of these really beautiful leaves I saw outside my house.  It was nighttime so I had a hard time getting the light and focus to cooperate but I don't think anyone's going to use these anyway.

If you are like me and you gather up as many amazing nature shots as you can to put into a folder and cycle on your desktop backgrounds, then these make great backgrounds, trust me.  And there's even a vertical shot that looks amazing on my iphone background.

I hope you guys are enjoying using PWG, or at least figuring out how to.

I think tomorrow I am going to write up a how to guide unless Eden beats me to it. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an adorable dog that is requiring my complete attention.

Oh by the way, I went back and checked some of my old posts and they were under the 150 word limit.  So I had to add more content to those posts.  I don't mind sort of 'soft-moderating' the forums to poke people into adding tags to their posts and stuff like that...

But people, really, stop using + in your tags, this isn't bubblews.  lol.

aren't i beautiful?

Drew De Jesus