Saturday, February 15, 2014

How do we get paid?

I've been looking at my dashboard for my old Blogger blog (Car 58, where are you?) and I see I have $27.00 in my Adsense account. Unfortunately I need $150 to be paid, so I have a way to go, obviously.

It looks like Bloggers with Adsense accounts get paid directly by Google - is that right?

Or does Preferred Writers Group AKA Eden Jaid receive the money directly and it is then distributed through PayPal etc.?

That seems like a fair bit of admin work, as opposed to the more transparent and hands-free Google Adsense method.

I'm not casting doubt or anything, just wondering at the mechanics of the thing. If I read the Adsense information correctly, no payments are made until 30 days after the month in which an individual account exceeds $150, which could be a fair while, depending on how many page views are earnt. 

Anyway, I'm new here, and maybe I'm just totally wrong. Certainly wouldn't be the first time! I like the environment and the concept and I think I'll enjoy my time here.


Copyright © 2014 Skyring and may not be used without permission. Article may be shared, if properly credited and linked back to this source.


  1. Hi Skyring, and welcome to PWG!
    Eden Jaid explains a good deal of this right here ->
    Any further questions can be put forth directly In the "Help Desk" at the top of this page. Sadly, no one seems to have even used this feature yet, so you might be the first! :D

    1. Yees, I rad that post, which is why I'm wondering about the precise mechanics of it all.

  2. well thanks for bringing that up as an ad sense earner as well i wondered the same, so perhaps i'll be dropping by to the help desk when i have the time to ask a few of those very important questions. i just joined a few days ago, but my life had other ideas for me the past 2 days lol so i haven't been around as much as i liked, never the less, thanks for bringing this important question to light :)

    1. Well, it will be a little while before anything happens, and I'm sure I'll get paid one way or another. Eden has given some information above, which is fine by me.
