Sunday, February 16, 2014

Writers Block? Contrariwise...

Much like Alice, I often believe at least 6 impossible things before breakfast. Of course, I might also have 10 or more seemingly brilliant ideas before lunch. Unfortunately, half are usually forgotten by dinner!

I may need someone to start following my around with a tape recorder or something. I'd do it myself, but I am quite sure I'd forget to press the record button. Yes, I said tape recorder, and no, I don't carry a cell phone, or an Ipod, Ipad, tablet, etc. Some people may be helped by such things, but I don't need more ":frequencies" in my head!

The creative mind can be a deathtrap sometimes, or at least a rabbit snare that boxes you in. It is both a blessing and a curse to be caught in a constant state of never ending inspiration and creation. Often these things never even come into being, because that requires you to give it some tangible form while 5 more ideas are whirling through your head. Such "magic" can be lost if you stop long enough to make it "real"!

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