Sunday, February 16, 2014

Review of the Ural Sidecar Motorcycle by Laura-n-Sasha

Good Day All,
I wrote a review on Bubblews: Ural Sidecar Motorcycles Road Test where I wrote about the different models and have some great pictures to show. Sasha actually took it out on a road test with Ural Dave the representative of these fabulous vehicles. 

We drove to San Diego, California from Yuma, Arizona, a three and a half one way trip. We went specifically to see this vehicle. In this review I talk about the different models and have pictures. We will be writing a more complete review, with videos and more pictures later on today. We were very excited about the bike and hope to purchase it sometime in the future. This picture shows the Gear-Up Model, which we would like to purchase in the future. 

Laura of 
More articles on under Laura-n-Sasha
Trying out the review process of Preferred Writers Group to see how it works here. Enjoying posting, reviewing, and commenting on posts. 

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