Sunday, February 16, 2014

Collective Creative Consciousness, Anyone?

What does three hours of "trying" to sleep equal?

I'll tell you exactly what it equals :

2 hours of "tossing, and turning , and pondering"
1 song lyric
2 vocal melodies
1 Instrumental reworking
and at least...
4 articles
(5 counting this one)!

The level of creative juices flowing is off the scale. I blame PWG! What have you people done to me? It has to be a by product of the "Collective Creative Consciousness" of this site! My brain already rarely shuts up, but this is ridiculous! Can one die from having too many thoughts running through their head continuously, and almost simultaneously?

Unfortunately, how much of all this will make it to fruition, and how much will wind up in the "article notes" file on my desktop ( with the hundred or so already there) remains to be seen! Since I still can sleep, at least some of it will. Anyone else having this, um...problem?
More to come...