Sunday, February 16, 2014


A package arrived this morning from Florida: a Canon Rebel T4i digital SLR camera that I'd bought on eBay for a little bit more than I really wanted. Plus express shipping.

I'd be quite happy with it, save for the fact that I bought one - second hand with a spare lens, a bag and a heap of extras - for a bargain price two weeks ago.

So now I have two. One is labelled 650D but it is the same model.

The new arrival is actually older. One bonus is that it came with a 32 Gb memory card.

The card showed American football games, graduation pictures, a whole bunch of shots of the full moon. Most of them dating back to 2012. I saved them to my hard drive and formatted the card.

I ran a comparison shoot with the two cameras, hoping one was better than the other, but no, they are both pretty good.

I'll put the Rebel up on eBay and hope I can get something like what I paid for it. Along with the 500D I bought a month ago. And two smaller cameras.

Just call me Mister Camera Shop, will ya!


Image: My own work
Copyright © 2014 Skyring and may not be used without permission. Article and photo may be shared, if properly credited and linked back to this source.


  1. I paid USD500 for it, but I'll start it and the 500D at USD400 each, which are very competitive prices. Plus postage, of course.

  2. Sounds like an interesting camera. I must look into buying a new camera before I go on holiday.
