Sunday, February 16, 2014

I have received all my redemptions from Bubblews on time

I see many posts on Bubbles from members of not having received their redemptions for more than 2 months. Some even say they have not received any payments at all. In the beginning I thought it was just one of those things..
And then I saw a post here also which said that more than 14,000 bubblers have their redemptions pending. Hence this post.
I must state clearly that I have received all my redemptions from Bubblews till now. Some even before the 72 hours waiting period had passed. There is one redemption pending. This also I think it is because of as many 10 to 15 of my connections having their accounts deleted for violation of some rule. A couple of my other friends and connections are also having the same experience. They too have received all their payments till to date.
I do not believe that Bubblews is paying by random or is showing favoritism only to a few. Those of you who are also here, if you are receiving your redemptions on time, please tell us.
As far as I am concerned, Bubblews is a great place for exposure for our thoughts. Here is my default URL in bubblews. Please check my posts...



  1. Honestly, the only reason I'm still active on Bubblews is to support my connections. I haven't been paid my last two redeems and I haven't even bothered to cash in the $54.00 I have sitting there now.

  2. I haven't gotten that far yet. I only have about 20 dollars so I need a little more to go lol.

  3. I've just submitted my fourth weekly redemption. Two have been notified and paid, the third has been notified and I expect funds in PayPal in a day, and the fourth was submitted yesterday awaiting notification.

    So I'm good, but obviously some accounts aren't getting paid and are being given little or no reason why.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I must say I have been with Bubblews for a year now and I have received every single redemption on time. I have never had a problem with being paid.

  6. My father told me "With that kind of business model, someone's not getting paid so that the others can."

  7. I am still waiting for thje money to hit my account the pending echeck has not cleared yet, however there is only so much money that can be paid out at a time. If the advertisers checks only come once a month then only a certain amount can be paid.. that is with any company or website that expects to pay their members from advertising dollars (banner views and advertising on their website) most companies has a 30 pay period wait time.. meaning once you redeem you have 30 days till you get paid. the Big Companies like infolinks and adsense used to have that time limit not sure if they still do now, I enjoy infolinks.
