Wednesday, February 19, 2014


For the fool, the world is not enough. For the wise, only peace is priceless. I have written myself into a corner many times for my ideals, but I have brought down far greater than you with only a few words.

I am not burdened by such weaknesses as pride or dignity. I am a pauper yet I possess the envy of leaders for my ability to write the words they would speak as their own and inspire other great leaders into action.

Why would leaders require the words of writers to inspire the hearts and minds of people? Is it not the heart of the writer that felt those words? Is it not the mind of the writer that conveyed that passion? Perhaps in this manner, great leaders could only be described as the puppets of writers. Our words from your lips without the need for a string.

I am starved of hope with only my passion for words to sustain me. Like the taste of wine, words are only exquisite when you know the difference vintage and deception. A word bears wrath like no other when spoken passionately. A word carries its own power. Alive, a love and death. To misuse a word is the only blasphemy left to us. To speak a word in vain. To take a word and deceitfully manipulate its power... is unforgivable.

Redemption means the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt. Redemption also means the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. "Redemption" is a word I never use when writing for someone else. The origin of the word "redemption" required blood as the only means of payment. In the literal context of the word, only blood can redeem a debt... can make one clean of sin, error or evil.

Having never met me, seen my face or heard my voice... would you believe me if I told you they all would recognize my words?


  1. I'm not going to lie, your post is a little scary, but nice lol.

  2. I agree, but why should you ask or why should I give you an answer? The choice is mine.

    1. It always puzzled me why leaders required speech writers. "Mr. President? If you need me to write these things down for you, shouldn't I be in the big chair?" lol

  3. such a great mind to create this articulate article

  4. Oh we have all heard your "voice"! It is in your words! :D
