Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Baby: A Poem for my Baby

I am depressed because after 10 years of planning our second baby, my OB tell me the very bad news about my baby, it suddenly stop to grow and do not show sign of life with no heartbeat. But I am still hopeful that she will emerge to life. The OB gyn wanted me to come back after a week for her to know if it is miss abortion or just an error at her machine. I was shocked and afraid since that day, how can she judge too quickly, it’s too early to tell. But I keep on praying that there is life within me waiting and excited to live this world.

Out of agony I dedicated this poem to my baby inside me. And if you happen to read this post, please say a little prayer for my baby. I’m still full of hope that everything will be alright, together we can surpass this test and face life with a smile.


My baby, we waited so long for you
We are sorry that we set aside you
For we need to help first those who depend on us
And we couldn't help but delayed you to come to us

Now that we are ready
God knows how we wanted you to come
But it looks like you have grouch with us
And it seems you don’t want to see us now

My baby please don’t worry
I did everything to iron things out
And we already planned for your existence
You’ll be happy like those princesses in movie

My baby please stays strong
Get your full grip at me
Don’t ever give up
Because right now I don’t want to let you go

I will do everything
That our dilemma will end up in a happy ending
Wake up in a bad dream
Stay with me and together we will be happy.


  1. Just a head's up. Don't put direct links to other sites on your bubblews posts. Those guys aren't as open minded about helping writers network as we are here at PWG.

    1. its okay as long as the article is interesting there will be people who will visit my articles
