Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Fun Little Way To Earn Extra Money Online

I don't usually write about get paid to sites, but frankly, I've already fallen in love. A friend recently told me about Rewarder and I was skeptic at first. I've seen quite a few question/answer sites that are nothing but a scam. Turns out, Rewarder is different. Some people I know, including the one who told me about it, have already gotten paid.

The way it works is a person asks a question and assigns a reward to it. It seems like the majority of questions have a reward between $2 and $5, so you're not going to get rich doing this. You claim rewards you can answer and submit the best answer you possibly can. I suggest adding research links if applicable to prove you're an authority. You can also state why you're qualified to answer in your profile and when you answer.

You're supposed to hear back within 3-5 days and if you win (others can answer the same question), you get the reward. What I like most is there are questions about everything. I used to be a math tutor and had a ball answering math questions today. I haven't heard if I've won yet or not, but it was nice to put my rusty math skills to use once again.

You get paid through PayPal. Currently, the only issues I've found is the verification. You can verify who you are by connecting your Rewarder account to social networks and verifying your phone number and email. All this is optional. The phone and email currently don't work. Also, you can only answer 10 questions a day.

If you'd like to join, please consider using my link. I get 10% for referring. If you don't want to use the link, just go to Rewarder. When signing up, ensure you Register instead of just entering your email to browse the site. The difference is you're asked for an email and password. Goodluck everybody!


  1. Earnings Tip:
    Share your PWG posts on other social sharing sites to increase your page views.
    Google+, twitter, tumbler, Pinterest, Linkedin, Facebook shares will greatly increase your organic page views per post.

  2. we should gather all these up and see how much we can earn in one day.

  3. Thanks for this review, I will check it out.

    1. This sounds interesting. Let us know when you can how much work you put into it, many times your answer was accepted, and a ballpark of what you earned. BTW, I can't leave a comment, but I can post a reply which is why I replied to Arvi.

  4. Yes, please let us know how it works out and we could do a team effort..

  5. So far, I've answered a few questions and I'm waiting to see if the answers are accepted. Some people are saying it can take up to a week before you hear back. Really hoping it's sooner.

  6. I won a reward!!! I won a $5 reward and got paid. So definitely legit. I'm still waiting for 2 questions to be reviewed, but I was thrilled to get an email today saying I won.
