Saturday, February 15, 2014

Living Life or a Life Worth Living

Have you ever questioned yourself about the quality of your life? Often times, we never think about such things until confronted with a different perspective such as that of an elderly person who lives alone. If I was asked that question, I would have to say that right now, I am living a life. When you think about it, it doesn't sound rewarding.

How would you like to create a life worth living? Would you even know where to begin? Most of us are too busy with "stuff" that we have to do that creating any kind of rewarding atmosphere has never entered our mind. Tapping into that sixth sense of yearning, creativity and thinking outside of the box attitude is quite scary for some of us.

We like living in the comfort zone regardless of the pain, setbacks and hardships it may cause. To do anything else requires change and we make excuses as to why that is a "bad thing". So we continue to live life without any recognition of how mundane our life is. We teach this to our children and to their children until a pattern develops. Who will break the cycle?

Are you content with leaving behind a legacy of living life? Or would you like your book to read "she made life worth living"?

credit: The image above was created by me.


  1. Too often we miss life because all of our electronics get in the way.
