Saturday, February 15, 2014

Herbal Remedies For Treating Cellulite

Cellulite is a popular term for body fat, it is simply fat that has developed and has a cottage cheese look because of the way it is deposited in the body. Body fat is usually stored under the skin where the connective tissues separated cells are stored into compartments.

When fat cells increase in size they have a tendency to bulge and spread out of their compartments giving the skin an uneven and thick look.

There are natural healing remedies that can effectively help to keep cellulite in check and here are some herbal remedies that are effective to try:

Gotu Kola- is a leafy green herb native to India and it has been used for centuries for connective tissue disease. Taking this herb can help to strengthening the skin and connective tissue.

Horse chestnut- It is used for varicose veins and hemorrhoids but can also help reduce the swelling and aids in strengthening the connective tissues. You can get horse chestnut in a cream which is an anti-inflammatory and astringent, it can be purchased in most health food stores.

Extra tip- did you know that apple cider has been known to help the body rid itself of body fat.

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