Saturday, February 15, 2014

Glad It's Over

Thank God it's all gone and over. The worst winter storm we've had here in years in Eastern N.C. is finally over. Cabin fever is starting to set in with many treading out despite the warnings to stay inside. This latest winter storm brought in about 8-10 inches of snow in my area. For some strange reason, I thought returning home to North Carolina from New York was a good way to escape this kind of weather. Boy, was I mistaken.

The weather this year has been so unpredictable. We've always been taught to dress in layers to offset this kind of weather but even that is not working for me. I'm just hoping the Ground hog was wrong and we're not going to see 6 more weeks of this. I know it's winter but this I was not expecting and I don't think anyone else around here was either.

It seems as if we're locked into some kind of a pattern with the snow, rain and sleet. For the last month or so, we've had some type of storm-related weather bi-weekly. Also it seems the storm(s) have chosen a particular day to make an appearance as well. With Tuesday being the chosen day to appear, school has been closed for most of the week.

All I can say is if this is any indication of how the summer will be, we're in for a hell of a summer.

Photo credit: New Bern Sun Journal, New Bern NC


  1. It's been a crazy winter all over the U.S. this year.

  2. Just be patient...Spring will soon be sprouting out.Soon bye..bye winter..

  3. Welcome, Margaret! :D
    I too am from N.C. It was the most snow we have seen here in YEARS!

  4. Glad all is well now, have a nice time.
