Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What Sort of Images Would You Use?

Aside from messing up the permalink on my new blog entry, I've also provided another high quality image for you guys to use however you want.  I think this one is really going to have a lot of uses, I could see it being used for generic photos in picture frames, as a nice pattern for a design.  i especially see it as useful for like, gardeners or landscapers to show off what they can do with a little bit of elbow grease.

The best part is, this is right outside my house, lol.  It's next to my patio, as the post says.

Would you guys mind giving me a little direction as to what sort of images would be useful for you guys to use?  I have lots of pictures of plants and my dog so far.  Maybe things around the house?

Drew De Jesus

1 comment:

  1. I think some pictures of windows and doors would be useful .They fit into a lot of different themes.
