Thursday, February 13, 2014

Does Sex Sell Online Games?

Okay I admit, this is my avatar for Eve Online. When I played World of Warcraft my avatar was probably just as risque. But there is something about the sexuality in online gaming that appeals to us. Don't we all want to be someone beautiful in a fantasy world? More and More we are seeing sexuality being sold to us in entertainment. And online fantasy games are becoming our source for role playing decadence.

Online gaming has become a massive multi-billion dollar industry and the competition among established and emerging MMORPGs is intense. It is reported that 217 million people log on to play online games worldwide everyday. (Techcrunch). The average monthly subscription for these online role-playing fantasy escapes is about $15.00.

New start-up online gaming concepts are literally made or broken by how many subscribing gamers they can attract to their game. But great concept, next-generation state-of-the-art high definition graphics and kick ass high-intensity game-play is not even enough to shock the hard-core gamers that have seen it all. Some games have resorted to higher skirts and lower bust lines to eek ahead of the competition.

MSRB ratings warning consumers these games may contain adult content, inappropriate situations and sexuality have been placed on gaming platforms for a decade now. But who could have known the extent to which we would be exposed to nothing short of raw porn. Again, I am, myself, guilty as charged. For those of us who doesn't get out much to sweep a beautiful lady off her feet, being greeted by a gorgeous, scantly clad super bitch is the next best thing.

So if you happen to be a parent and noticed little Johnny spends an awful lot of time alone in his room, it may be a good idea to do a Google search of his favorite online games. There's a lot more out there warping our brains than rock 'n roll. The thrill-seeking, high intensity, sexually charged uber-vixens have taken over.

images: my personal online gaming characters, Edenjaid of warcraft & Eve Online.

Post ID Tag: 10197


  1. so very true, and so very intensely disturbing. have you seen all those ads we have for the Angel Legion or whatever it's called? Vixens!

  2. Those adds are so tempting to click on! Haha! I always assume that they will give me a virus, and remind myself that I don't really care for video games, and that is what saves me. Whew!

    1. We only run Adsense. There won't be any viruses on those ads. If find something interesting you are welcome to browse it safely.

  3. I think it does, unfortunately. I don't like it at all. I play a lot of WoW, but you will never see me running around with out clothes on. Like Drew said, it is disturbing. I also noticed that in game chat talks about sex. My kids aren't playing until they are way older :)

  4. The difference between our worries over sex and violence is also interesting. Many people don't want Johnny exposed to an elven vixen, but are okay with him lopping off heads all afternoon.
