This is a hard subject to write about, but an important one to try. You see, we are the latest baby boomers that will be approaching retirement in the next 5 years. There are so many things that need to be addressed. For starters Social Security. It is getting increasingly harder that we will be able to use monthly payments that will be provided to us, for our history in working, to get the funds deserved.I have 2 solutions, which I am going to propose to our legislators. The first one is in the form of a 1x payment. Doing this will allow funds to be freed up for future social security recipients. Part of the problem is based on monthly disbursements. What would happen instead of providing to us a lump sum, lets say 20 years as a standard an amount. Government will be saving so much money on interest that they won't have to pay for. This plan is similar to corporate America. An early retirement fund gets established. You have a 2 year window to do this. One the 2 years is up, then funds on he monthly disbursement would stop. You say stop? Yes I mean stop. Social security is a fund that was started by people to have a long term plan to use money out away for that time. The advantages of this plan is a win win situation for everybody.The most important reason, is get this damn government out of financial rises. It would automatically balance the budget as a clause. The government will save trillions and trillions of money that won't have to pay.
I do agree with what the government is trying to do, but because of politics in government, nobody can come up with a plan to save money, and to clear up past responsibilities. It is our own responsibilities to come up with a plan to help all retirees, not the government, as this shows how truly happened that social security came about. To continue this,The 2 year window only starts when you normally get provided funds. Since it would be our responsibility, it would be our advantage to act on it. Why give the money that is supposed to be used for future payments that the government is getting interest from. It should be in our financial establishments. Key 1: Why is the government making money on the interest that the funds are in. If we had the funds, we would be the ones to get that interest,not the government. Key 2. It is a crying shame that our government is in essence using our money to bail out problems that is occurring. Then they give us a b-s excuse, that they are in trouble that social security might be eliminate. That is a CROCK!!!.They are the ones that caused the problem, so fix it, but not at our expense, since you can't manage the funds we gave you, you are passing the buck, because you don't want to be responsible. Politics with our government really pisses me off, because they are truly lying to us, and hey are thinking of a plan to screw us once again, by passing the responsibilities back to us.
A lot of individuals that are knowledgeable from Social Security websites, and an article from E how indicating how Social Security For Seniors is determined, that have many concerns. You see, that anyone that is at age 62 and above, can apply for Social Security. People are allowed to apply at age 62 for benefits, but also have to understand, that as long as you have met the criteria of working of least 40 quarters,that it should qualify to be able to receive Social Security Benefits. There are drawbacks in applying early for Social Security Benefits. If you apply early at age 62, you will lose 25% of an amount that you normally would have received. If you apply for benefits at the normal age of retirement which is 67, would allow you to receive be eligible for full Social Security Benefits.Since 1983, congress has came up with a plan, that would allow Social Security to be more solvent.
AARP, which has been an advocate for senior citizens for quite sometime now, feel that the plan that congress has come up with, is a good plan, where it wouldn't effect funds for seniors that will be retiring at age 67. Congress had to do something, or it would impact seniors for a long time. The main concern seniors have, is not when you can retire, but the amount of funds that they would receive. It is hard enough for seniors these days, because of the escalation in food prices, as well as on prescription coverage, or doctor visits.A new group of baby boomers will be reaching retirement within 5 years, and society needs to realize, that a government plan to privatize the Social Security Fund, would damage the concept of receiving funds for seniors. Americans see how far Washington has tried to downgrade the importance. Congress has been bickering on what would be the best solution to the Social Security fund problem. The whole essence of receiving Social Security, is based on doing what was right, by putting sufficient amount of quarters and years into the program.
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