Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Earning Money Writing for

Seekyt is another great writing platform for aspiring writers. It has similarities to Examiner and other sites that pay based upon page views, but it is quite different in how the money is earned.

Instead of paying a percent of a penny for each page view, Seekyt pays their writers a percentage of ad revenues. However, as page views translate into purchases, there is a direct correlation between page views and earnings.

Seekyt requires original articles of around 250-300 words with the more words the better. Longer articles tend to get more search traffic, which translates into more revenue for the writers.

Seekyt accepts writers from other countrie, but the only way a writer can earn is by incorporating one or all the following ad types into their articles: Google AdSense, VigLink, and/or Chikita. Writers are actually paid by the advertisers, not by Seekyt, so if you can get one of these accounts, you can earn money on Seekyt, no matter where you live.

Seekyt is looking for quality unique articles. Articles cannot be copied, reposted or translated. The BEST kinds of articles to write for Seekyt are product reviews or articles like "how-tos" and "top-tens" that mention specific types of products that can be linked to and sold from your articles.

I like Seekyt because it isn't solely locked into page views. It is a way of diversifying my earnings. I think if it as a safety net, and I have earned well there, especially when I was writing articles regularly each month.

I relied heavily on Goodle AdSense, and then my browser had problems with the AdSense site for many months when I tried to log in. I temporarily stopped writing for Seekyt during that time because I could not check my earnings or get paid. Now I have a bunch of articles already written I am about to upload since I can finally get into AdSense (at least some of the time) again. However, I have been spending all my extra time on PWG and not on Seekyt this week, so I will have to change direction a little to get all those new Seekyt reviews published!

By the way, if you ever see anything you are interested in buying from Amazon on one of my articles, please click on the link to buy it. It won't cost you any more, but I will earn a percentage of the sale.

This is my Seekyt referral link if you want to use it. Be sure and follow me if you sign up. Seekyt also pays bonuses for followers, comments and other activity on the site. Can you see why I like it?

Get paid to write at


More Writing Tips:

Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing the link to this article with others. This article is © Kathryn Darden, all rights reserved,  and is not available to repost on websites, blogs, discussion boards, Facebook, or to translate and post elsewhere without written permission.

Post ID KD214


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment, David. We writers have to help each other. The more successful we make these writing platforms like PWG, Seekys and Examiner, the better we will all do.

  2. This sounds great. I will take a look at the site, so thanks.

  3. You know we love having you here, Kathryn. Stay as long as you like! :P

    1. Thanks, Eden. I don't have any plans to leave, but I do need to keep developing my other platforms, and Seekyt needs special attention because of my long-term log in problems with AdSense. It's time to get crackin'!

  4. thank u Kathryn Darden, that's very useful

    1. You're welcome. Let me know if you sign up so we can follow each other and raise our earnings.

  5. will your account in Adsense be compromise if you joined their network?

    1. Not at all. I have been writing there and getting paid through AdSense since May 2011. Even when I had browser issues that prevented me from getting into AdSense, my Seekyt funds were accumulating there!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
