Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Updates: On this page you will find a listing of the the updates made to our site. We will be making changes on the fly rather than interrupting your workflow. Please feel free to give feedback/suggestions on future changes/improvements you would like to see added.

2/12/2014: Snippet View Added to Main Page
We gained a new view to the slightly cluttered main page to give it a cleaner presence and feature more of your posts at a glance. Your posts themselves were not affected by this cosmetic update. You can still link to your posts pages from the main page.


  1. Much better view, it forces people to engage in the post to read the full article and presents it sort of like an online newspaper deal.

    Btw, you should promote the social aspect of this. That it is to be precisely like facebook. Maybe we should personalize it somehow? Contributors page of selfies?

    1. I would love for us to be able to have a way to converse in an easy manner as well from here. I'm working on it.

    2. but really, think about it. We are already seeing members grouping up on a page and just socializing via the comment windows. That's pretty cool too. Especially when you are the one that has posted the page.

  2. I like the idea of a contributors page.
