Wednesday, February 12, 2014

High Quality and FREE Digital Images, by ME

Free High Quality Images

...never worry about copyrights again...

by drew de jesus

Many sites like bubblews have super restrictive policies when it comes to photo crediting.  Not to mention, most of the image storing sites display them on search engines without any information regarding the legalities!  

Sometimes people can think they're crediting a photo properly when in actuality that photo was stolen from somewhere else entirely.  If the true owner of the picture comes across an improperly sourced image, it can really lead to trouble!

That is why I want to provide high quality digital images for FREE, 100%, for anyone to use in ANY endeavor.  If they're making money with my pictures, then good for them!  That's what I say!

I have literally just begun to build a collection, any so far there is a grand total of ONE image up there!  But it's pretty!  It's a lovely pink rose that would go well with a personalized Valentine's Day message. 

See the image above and be sure to follow that blog for more images all the time!  If you have a request, let me know and I will be sure to fill it!

Drew De Jesus


  1. Well this will be helpful for me to use in some of my blogs thanks:)

    1. What kind of blog do you do? ---or actually, let me ask a smarter question - what sort of images would be useful to you?

  2. Hi, Drew De Jesus! Sorry I am only now getting around to saying "Welcome to the group!" :D
    Wow! This is a great service to the Community! I was just worrying about this exact thing, and wondering if I should address it in the FAQ! Thanx for giving everyone an alternative! :D

  3. Thanks for this. I will take a look at it.

  4. Those are great pictures. What kind of equipment are you using, if you don't mind me asking? A creative commons for images is a great idea.
