Monday, February 17, 2014

Unjustifyable action

     Sunday night, in a house where they live .. Two bedrooms with Tv in each room.Husband is not working come Monday morning.Wife needs to sleep early to get ready for tomorrows    activities.He  is  watching  his  favorite  program  on  tv  in  the  bedroom.She  tells  him  if  he  could  watch  in  the  other  room.He  did  not  listen .She  tries  to  get  her  sleep  but  in  vain .She  decided  to  sleep  in  the  other  room.He  gets  angry  and  in  a  minute  remote  con  is  up  in  the  air  as  he  barge  out  of  the  bedroom.

     Where  is  understanding?His  action  is  unjustifyable.He  is being  selfish.She  finally  went  to  sleep  with  heavy  heart.Wakes  up  in  the  morning and  went  to  work .Husband  still  sleeping.Day passed  by  and  a  phonecall  was  never  done.Finally  time  to  go  home .Hope  everything  will  be  fine.

    Is  this  another  marriage  blues?What  a  pity?


  1. As has been noted elsewhere, create a special tag and it will also be easier to find your own posts. I use jcmbjd for mine. I forgot to use it in one post and it took me a while to track it down to make an edit.

  2. Ah, That is a good idea. I never thought about tagging my posts with my name. Thanks
