Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Philippines will rise.

The Philippines will rise by Nikkoy..

Philippines comprises of  7, 107 islands and can be found in southeast asia near the pacific. The geographical location of it is prone to storm since it near the pacific ocean. The country is riched in natural resources.

It has a lot of beautiful places, tourist spots and resting places for local and international communities. It is known for the hospitality of its people. Ordinary people are content in how they live and strive to make a living. It is also known due to its endurance and strength after a lot of tragedies that happened.

The land of the Philippines has suffered a lot since '90s. From corrupt officials to devastating storms and oppositions between groups of people. Recently in 2013, sequence of unimaginary events happened. First is the exposure of the corruption inside the government which is the Pork Barrel Scam wherein billions of pesos or hundred millions of dollars were grafted to few and mighty people. Another is the war between the militant groups and the armed forces of the Philippines. Several soldiers and militants died even civilians were affected due to this outbreak of bullets and guns. The worst is the lashing and destruction of the historical Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) at Visayas (Leyte, Samar and near islands). The government, local and national prepared for its coming and tracked its path. Live news were broadcasted and we did not realize that it is very strong that it produced large and continuous storm surges that brought the great destruction in the islands of Leyte and Samar. Almost 7000 lives were taken to that storm and more are missing and unidentified.

This nation has suffered a lot and is again in the position of building itself. 

A statement that my professor given regarding this nation is this and verily disliked it "This nation is worst, there are a lot of bad people and criminals, do not work here after you graduated. Work abroad."
That stament irritated my good ears. How can she say those words? Well, i think that is her judgment, a quick judgment depending on the situation.
I believe in her statement but what i do not want is that she humiliated her own country. 

I know in my heart that there is something good will happen in this nation. I believe that GOD is cleansing this country from its sins and doing new things. He is faithful to HIS promises and to His people. 
This nation will not be a laughing stock of other countries anymore but will be the center of attraction because GOD is with us.


  1. That is hope against hope. Forgive me but you seem like a student, so young and still naive. Someday, the stench of corruption will bury deep into your nostrils that you will regret not listening to your teacher. Hah! That is exaggeration of course. But I will give you time. What your teacher said was not humiliation to the country but an acceptance of reality. We don't have the same experiences and we will have different views but someday we will agree to one thing. I also love my country but from what is happening, I can't be more disgusted

    1. It is okay to disagree with a person but trust that not all who believe in positivity are naive. I am a very jaded and hurt person from society but I truly believe that thinking positively like this is not necessarily young or naive - but rather insistent and refusing to bend.

      It's a fine line between denial and idealism. But I think John's on the right side.

    2. hmm ok, I am not implying that all who are positive about the Philippines' situation are naive, I just assumed that since he had a teacher that he is a student, young and naive about the realities of life and that could be the reason why he has much optimism.

      I have lived my life through that. I, along with many people thought that there is hope for the Philippines. I have gone through college, worked my a** off and still am. I have friends gone abroad for greener pastures and still many are serious about leaving the country. I have been passionate about this place and that is why it angers me to see what is happening. I would like to think though that I am leaving John a challenge for him to think about as he grows up in this maze we are living in :)

  2. I believe in our country's ability to rise and it must start with the mind set of it's people. If we stopped thinking small. By accepting reality is only admitting that we are powerless. We must always question popular thinking because what is popular is not always right. Never let go of your ideals young man.

  3. If we let a person die because he has no ability to help himself and do not help him shows that you killed him. If we let our country die without even doing anything to help it shows that we are the primary reason who killed it and make it worse.

    Who would help this country? Isn't its people?
