Thursday, February 13, 2014

Tale of the Brave Martyr Bubbler

I was just about to log off and settle in for a good movie tonight when I noticed something interesting. But first a bit of back story is called for to color the drama at play.

I have seen review articles of other pay sites that were allowed by Bubblews so I posted a review article of our Preferred Writers Group giving my connections another earning opportunity. My review was innocent enough, considering we aren't in competition with anyone and our admins work for no pay except what we earn ourselves from page views on our own articles and posts like you.

Also, I have seen other high earning Bubblers posting links to their own blogs, (which is what we are) on their every post at Bubblews. And even defending their right to do so. They are allowed to carry on without so much as a raised eyebrow from the Bubble watchdogs. Now here is the cute portion of my tale.

My review of Preferred Writers Group was yanked from the Bubblews community, but not before generating a near firestorm of interest resulting in the numbers of members we have today. Bubblers began asking on my profile about our new little .blogspot and even a few resourceful bubblers among you found me on Facebook. This could be a great article if it ended here.

I was not sent any emails, any warnings or notifications of any sort of any rules I had violated. They didn't delete my account and I am able to continue to earn them an average of $7.00 per post in page views. I haven't been paid by Bubblews in 2 redeems now, so they are literally earning their 50% and mine as well. In good faith, I continue to post small offerings at Bubblews not for the money, but for the nearly 1400 connections I have made there. They are the most wonderful and engaging people I have met in a long while. I'd miss them, I guess. This would be a great article if it ended here.

A brave bubbler has re-posted my Preferred Writers Group review and entitled it, "Preferred Writter's View"! Laurie would have a literal fit at seeing my article published with the TITLE misspelled. She will have a fit knowing I've been counterfeited. But I don't think this is an act of plagiarism in the typical sense. The Bubbler is a connection of mine. Surely he would have to know the post would hit my notification log. Could this be a brave martyr bubbler picking up the fallen PWG banner to carry on the good message? Sadly, he has too few connections to get the word out as well as we could have. Still, plagiarism IS the best form of flattery.

But whether it is a brave bubbler martyr, or merely a dimwitted copy/paste bandit, he is treading dangerously. He is tempting the wrath of &Arvind for resurrecting a post he had marked for death; as well as our very own Ms. Laurie for copying the work of one of her writers. He will most likely never see the inside of PWG. Laurie takes her job seriously and plagiarism of any sort, even for a noble cause, is unacceptable.

The link to the post is:

Post ID Tag: 10197


  1. Honestly? I depend on that money to live. I certainly would be devastated if I no longer got the redemptions...

    1. Many people depend on their online income to survive, Drew. It's why I created this site. Because it is no rumor good people living from eCheck to eCheck aren't getting paid any longer through no fault of their own. This site is meant to ensure they don't go hungry.

  2. I know another Bubblews member had a couple posts deleted that discussed his plug-in that for Chrome and Firefox that actually makes the Bublews notifications useful. There was no warning or explanation, just a hatchet job.

  3. It should be noted that we aren't here to bash any other sites, but having said that. We will be getting members that have perhaps been treated unfairly by another site. We WILL NOT silence their voices. They will express exactly how they feel and we will post it (barring any vigilantism). I may eat those words later. >.<
