Monday, February 17, 2014

Some Uncommon Phobias

Millions of people suffer from different sorts of Phobias. Some are not even commonly heard of. But as bizarre as they may seem or even sound, they are for real and as real as the person who suffer from any of the phobias.

First is Hylophobia - it is the fear of trees, wood, or forest. A Hylophobe suffers extreme anxiety even when just  simply thinking or hearing about wood.                         

Second is Nomophobia - it is the fear of having or being without mobile phone coverage, running out of battery or even losing sight of the mobile. This is just the latest findings and is said that more than half of the UK are sufferers from this phobia. There might be more out there from other countries who also suffer from this.        

Third is  Xanthophobia - it is the fear of anything which is yellow. This may sound so bizarre but even sea turtles suffer from this. Xanthophobic is extremely anxious when exposed to sun or even just by looking at the picture of daffodil, sun and anything yellow.

The fourth is Turophobia- which is fear of cheese. The most uncommon phobia. Sufferers often fear a certain type of cheese, but some fear cheese altogether.

The fifth is Ombrophobia - this is an irrational fear of rain or being rained upon. A sufferer may even be so anxious with just the sound of rain or even just presented a situation of being rained on .

The sixth is Papaphobia- it is the pathological fear of the pope or papacy. Sufferers dread the pope or even the mere mention of the pope. 

The seventh is Hierophobia - this is the abnormal fear of sacred objects or holy people and is closely related to papaphobia. Most sufferers have an abnormal fear of priests or cross and anything related to church.

These are just some of the very uncommon phobias ever discovered. We should not laugh nor judge people who have a particular fear of something. We should be mindful and tactful of what we say and show respect to the individual and their fear/s.

Photo is mine, Dreamy Cakes or dreamycakes are my usernames in other sites :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm just curious on how people could get such phobias. Is it due to a traumatic experience or anything else that make them fear something or someone?
