Saturday, February 15, 2014

Solivagus on Bubblews : 2/15/14

My Bubblews Posts for the Day

by solivagus

i'm giving you wood

    Concerning the horrible dream I had prior to waking last night, and an open letter to the ex-boyfriends who were in it.  BOTH of them, for some reason.

    Concerning how excited I was to get up and out of bed and go to Ren Fest, which as You can see from future postings... didn't go as planned.

   Not much to this one, it's a review for a fun app.  If you have trouble finding things to use as images for your posts, and you don't want to use something from my blog, this is a good app.
    Self explanatory but goes into examples of why you should and how I use them.

Customize It All
    You ever wonder?  Well wonder no more, this comprehensive answer will encourage you to put the monster thoughts away.

    When buyer's remorse settles in, what do you do to cope?

    I started watching Bridezillas, and that was my first mistake...

    This phrase represents the 'inaudible music which is celestial in origin'.  If that's not confusing enough.

    And the best part is, I'm clothed.  At least that's what Spartanmom says LOL

    She sang this amazing song about being a straight up hooker and I applaud her for that.  And I hope one day I can be that proud of being a hooker.

I hope you enjoy my articles, but more importantly, I hope you fricken read them and like them and comment on them, duh.
