Saturday, February 15, 2014

I was interviewed once for a top staff writer's post for a publication in India

I thought I was the best writer in the world when I first began in the 1990s. I was a diploma holder in Journalism from Mumbai and was so eager to show the world at least to the Indians. I thought Indian writers were mediocre. They would write mostly with nouns and adverbs. Though my dad did not have much hope in my writing ambitions, I was sure I would one day be one of the New York Times best selling authors. You know such was the enthusiasm. I would visit editorial offices of publishing houses in India just to rub them in the wrong way. The American consulate library had spoiled me into believing that I could be the next prolific writer to hit the news. One day I received a call letter from the office of India's top selling movie magazine Stardust. They should report sharp. They were interested to use me on their team of staff writers. Read all about it here...

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