Friday, February 14, 2014

PWG Earnings Statement

Note: This page will list our overall earnings in detail.This page will not reflect daily real time earnings, The real time earnings will be listed atop/left every page. This page will be an ongoing record of your end of the month earnings.

February Earnings: 
Total Members: 30 (Our overall membership.)
Views: 3,122 (Our overall monthly valid page views.)
Earnings: $27.54 (Our overall monthly earnings)
PPV: $0.01 (Our average earnings per valid page view.) Note this = $50.00 per 5000 views.
Avg $$/Mbr: $1.55 (Average earnings to date per CONTRIBUTING member. No Posts = No Views = No Earnings)

Payment Info:
Send your payment info to
-         your PWG user name
-         your Verified PayPal address
(Please do not send anything but your payment info to this address.)

Cashing In:
When our overall Earnings listed in the "Earnings Tab" reaches $100.00 we will cash in. The views will be counted and double checked by Laurie and myself and whatever you have made on final valid page views above $0.01 will be sent to you.

Estimated/Actual Views:
Your views listed on the site may differ somewhat from your finalized validated views. So far this hasn't been much of a deviation. But your views on the site are only a rough estimate. The actual valid views are determined by the Networks which sponsor us.

Post ID Tag: 10197


  1. Thanks Eden, I appreciate the transparency.

  2. Looks like the group is off to a good start.

  3. Thank you and sent the email as you requested. Thanks for being so Open!

  4. Thank you so much for clearing this up for us! wonderful job at explaining how earnings work :)

  5. thank you. im sorry for being inactive. i would return soon as my projects are finished. I am a college student and i have to finish this first. i hope you would understand my situation. thank you :)
