Thursday, February 13, 2014

Let's Do This Thing!

I am so glad to see everyone pulling together as a community to "make this thing happen"! Though I am not as "quick on the draw" in my writing as our dear Eden Jaid is, I intend to at least touch base with everyone as much as possible when I can...even if it is only to comment on YOUR writing.

Still, I do so miss having time to write, and will endeavor to share with you all, as you share with me! We are amassing some really interesting articles here already, and I feel if we keep it in that vein...quality writing on subjects that interest people, we will see our readership grow daily! I think we are already off to a great start. Just look at those numbers!

Thank you to everyone who has joined the new FB group as well. If you haven't joined yet, well...get yourselves over there now! Here's the link to make it easier...

Hope to see you all there soon!


  1. Thank you, Laurie. And every one of our new members. I guess its kinda redundant to say, I couldn't have done this without you! :P

  2. I am totally stoked about this platform.
