Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New study shows acne pathogen transferred from humans to grapevines -- National Skin Care Examiner


Seriously, this bacteria transferred from humans to plants--grapevines to be exact
If you have acne, drink the occasional glass of wine, are a fan of musician Frank Zappa, or just like weird science, here's some news you will find intriguing:
Italian researchers have discovered a new bacteria that colonized pimples and now colonizes grapevines. They named it after Frank Zappa. --
This could be big news for acne sufferers, because as researchers study the pathogen in grape vines, they might hit upon a cure for the human bacteria. This is the indirect way many other cures and treatments have been found.

Today there are numerous treatments for blemishes, pimples and zits--some effective and some not so much--but there is currently not a cure for acne.

While we wait for an acne cure, the new bacteria study is certainly interesting news for wine drinkers, music buffs, science geeks, and those who suffer from acne breakouts. Read the article to find out why they named it after Frank Zappa!

Article at: Acne bacteria spread from humans to grapevines new study reveals - National Skin Care Examiner 


Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing the link to this article with others. This article is © Kathryn Darden, all rights reserved,  and is not available to repost on websites, blogs, discussion boards, Facebook, or to translate and post elsewhere without written permission.

Post ID KD214 


  1. OMG! I love my wine but I can't go back to those days of smelling like Oxy10 & Sea Breeze!

    1. LOL! I do not think you have anything to worry about!

  2. Oh, I love my wine too! Oddly, I never had an acne problem as a teen, but dear lord, the god of pimples is a wrathful one now!
    I will have to follow this! I am really enjoying your articles, Kathyrn!

    1. Thanks so much, Laurie. If you don't mind, I will include a suggestion for other people who want to recycle articles here. Rather than posting the original Examiner article in its entirety here, I quoted part of my original article and then wrote a new 100 words or so for PWG with a new title. This way the two articles won't appear "spun," they won't cancel each other out in Google search, they give PWG unique content and will hopefully drive readers to my longer article. I like the win-win aspect of this!

      My old Bukisa articles I am almost quoting in their entirety because I plan to pull them from Bukisa as soon as I can. Eventually when the old ones are pulled, they won't cancel each other out in searches. In the meantime, I am getting new readers for old articles here. Thanks for allowing me to do so!

  3. Ha! All the single ladies approve! I do like the fact we can write 150 words here and link, but I feel it is important to make those 150 words original and unique to PWG. Otherwise, my articles here will never rank on Google. How great if I can get the original acne article to rank and the follow up article here to rank well, too. Win-Win!

  4. Replies
    1. Me either. Was never much drawn to alcohol except the infrequent glass of red wine at some special function. No acne pathogens in OUR beverages! LOL!

  5. I have sufferred from acne during my teenage life..Have gone to dermatologist and help them dermatologist say..maybe time to get marry and give birth .cleansing ..Lol
