Monday, February 17, 2014

Mud is Mud

Tis the Season for Mud.  I love snow, I love rain.  I hate mud, but there is no way to have one and not the other.  I don't like muddy floors, it barely have to time to mop them 2-3 times a week, much less 1-2 times a day.
What is with kids and mud?  They love it.  They stomp around in it all day and it never bothers them.  I can't handle mud even being on my shoes.  The next storm we get, snow or rain, I am going to be prepared!  I will tape down towels everywhere.  Or maybe I will just buy the kids each their own little mop and tell them to clean up their own messes.
I really am looking forward to spring, I just am dreading the mud that will probably come along with it.
I would like to share a little poem about mud.  I wrote this when I had just about had enough and was about to lose my mind.  I love being able to speak what it on my mind and not have anyone judge me for it.  That is what is so great about sites like this and Bubblews.
Here it is:
Mud, Mud, Mud

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