Thursday, February 13, 2014

Made Tasty Biscuits Now Drying Out Orange Peels

Hi All,
Sasha went off to do an oil change with the truck. We can not do it here because in the Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA) you can not do oil changes on vehicles. Who knows if people would spill oil on the ground? So he went off to an area that is not within the LTVA but is relatively close. And it will be on a parking lot instead of the dirt. 

So while he is doing that, I am using the solar oven to dry orange and grapefruit peels. We use them in our shakes and I wanted to make sure it can be done with our solar oven and these peels. They have a high amount of Vitamin C, almost like taking a vitamin but without all the other garbage that they put into those things. 

I checked on the peels about an hour ago, and they were doing good, so I will wait another hour and hopefully they will be done. 

I have a bit to do today, including working on my website, which is not a blogging but an actual website using Dreamweaver software. I need to learn a few things, and then will get started on it. 

Thanks and hopefully I will have pictures later of those orange and grapefruit peels. 


  1. I like to hang orange peels to dry in the summer. It smells good, and keeps flies away! :D

    1. Do they really? One would think that attracts flies, neh?

  2. I think your little contraption is so neat. I have never dried peels before.

  3. Sounds scrumptious! Be sure to include search tags using your "Labels" utility on every posts so Google traffic can see your delicious posts. :P
