Saturday, February 15, 2014

Is Facebook Making Us Less Social?

Facebook has hundreds of millions of members, but how often do the members actually socialize? I'm not talking about liking a friend's post or adding a comment here or there. I'm talking about going out together, having an in-depth conversation or doing pretty much anything outside of Facebook together.

For many, Facebook and other social networks have become a replacement for social interaction. It's easier to take to your computer, smartphone or tablet to connect with friends than spending any real time building true friendships. Take a good look at your friend list. How many of those people are you actually friends with? Do you really know much about them outside what they post?

I think the site's great for connecting with people from your past or keeping up with friends and family that live hours away. It shouldn't be something that drives a wedge between others. For instance, I've watched people in restaurants sitting together who believe they're socializing, but they never speak. They have their smartphones out, checking updates on Facebook and updating their own status. Their digital lives have overtaken their real life.

It's gotten so bad that people are actually being diagnosed with Facebook related depression and fatigue. I love connecting with new people, but I also enjoy cultivating relationships with the people around me as well. Honestly, I don't use Facebook as much as I used to. It's become a place for drama, bragging and the desperate need to have the biggest friend list.

If you find yourself feeling down after using the site, you might be dealing with Facebook misery. To me, it's just not worth it. Especially now that the site makes it difficult to see what you want and pushes ads on you left and right.

What do you think?


  1. i read the second article you linked and jesus christ i have to pinch myself to make sure i'm not making it up. are we really needing lessons on how to handle .... facebook?

    my good lord.

  2. It's really sad honestly. It should be common sense that if you're not enjoying a site that's completely voluntary to use, just stop using it. But in this tech age, if they don't find it completely spelled out online, they have no clue what they're doing besides following the latest trends.
