Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Introductions Are in Order...

One of my many character creations, "The Voo Doo Lady"
Photo credit : Selfie
Hello everyone, and WELCOME TO PWG! I thought I'd give you guys the "skinny", since most of you probably do not know me. I hope you all choose to do the same, so I can get to know you, as well.

My name is Laurie Tysinger. I am an artist, craftsman, actor, costume designer and creator, writer, editor, musician, singer, songwriter, dancer, and mother of four beautiful and talented children, just to name a few things. My motto is "I create, therefore, I am". I work as a seasonal actor in a haunted house, where I design and create my own costumes, props, and characters. I also play bass and sing, and have done so in numerous unknown bands over the years.

Yes, I love to create things. I make paintings, leather masks, wood carvings, jewelry, dolls, costumes, hair pieces and dreads, steampunk and cybergoth stuff, sculptures, clothing, and much more. I like to "Frankenstitch" various pieces of clothing together to make them what I want them to be. I have also been known to do "Jean Splicing", since I can rarely find them long enough to fit properly, anyway.

I am a writer, editor, and administrator at Fullof Knowledge.com., ExpertsPages.com, and PostAnyArticle.com. You should check them out as well. I also write occasionally for Bubblews and Yahoo, as well as having two blogs here on Blogger. I am so glad to be here at PWG now as well. It has inspired me to write again...something I have not made time for in quite a while! I have also begun editing recently for a brilliant man who researches and writes about Tzolkin Cosmology. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, but that is how I like it!

Enough about me, for now. I'd like to hear about my fellow writers here at PWG! Who are you all, and what do you like to do? What do you enjoy writing about? What have been your experiences on other sites, and in writing, or in your other fields of interest? Inquiring minds really do want to know!


  1. Great meeting you- Laurie Tysinger, I am sure i'll learn many wonderful things about so many different skills from you.

  2. Thanx, RAY AA!
    Yeah, there is NEVER a dull moment at my house! LOL! :D
    How about you?

  3. i love your make up and i'm totally copying it! :)

    1. That's kool, Drew! Go right ahead...I'm flattered!
      I have LOTS of different ones, so there will be many more to come, if anyone is interested! "D

  4. Nice to meet you. I am new to PWG and I will be doing an intro post soon as well. I am excited to be a part of something with so many creative and talented people.

  5. Cool mother..How do you manage such a hectic schedule.glad to meet you.

    1. Oh...forgot to mention that bit! I am "the nutty professor"...a bit "hair-brained", and at times, the kids probably have to manage ME! LOL!
