Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Personal Welcome to PWG

I realize the "How It Works" page is a bit formal and reads more like an sales pitch. But that is typical for what people in this niche would expect from an Online Content site. They want to know all the details. What I wanted to now is extend a personal welcome to each of you on this the end of our very first day as a social network community. I also wanted to clarify what we are and what we are not.

We are a community of writers of online content, and many of us already know each other from other sites. We also have more than our fair share in common with this often difficult effort. We write to make ends meet. We write because, for whatever reason, this is our only means of  interacting with other human beings. We write because we have to get things out that need to be said. And we write because we are called to do so.

Unfortunately, the business of our niche has not fared well for us writers. So this is where we address what we here at PWG are not. We are not a site which earns money from the work of writers. No one earns here without writing themselves. This is why page views for our own work is the only way to earn here. This is a universal rule here. I will only earn what I earn in page views for my own posts like everyone else here. Additional earnings generated will be rolled over to reduce the time it takes us to receive payment, and to ensure everyone receives their earnings.

I have been described as being the highest earning writer on other sites, but I am a novice among my peers. As I've seen some very talented and well-known writers join us, I feel certain I will not be the highest paid writer here. We have some very unique advantages here that no other site has.

(1) Our Ad Sponsor owns & hosts our site and we pay nothing for the space.
(2) We do not have a CEO or a President that we must pay tribute financially.
(3) Officially, we are a "blog" and not bound by typical "Online Content" restrictions. Our posts can earn revenue when we simply login to say Good Morning!
(4) Unofficially, we are the best online resource anywhere in the world for bringing massive traffic to needy sites. In this respect we are now a "Union of Online Writers" and a home for others like us.
(5) We only earn from our own content, so no one here is fearful of losing earning writers to competitive sites. We can network and actively link to our other pay sites here so that everyone knows where the best opportunities are.

What these very important points show us is that we have already shrugged off much of the financial liability typically associated with this niche which brings more funds back to us. We have great earning potential here. And the more their are of us, the more we all prosper.

I don't require a patent for this new "aggressive" platform. In fact, I would welcome any site employing our services to do this legitimately. They damn well should have been doing it all along in my opinion.

So there you have it. Welcome to PWG. Let's do this.

Post ID Tag: 10197

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