Friday, February 14, 2014

Earn by Linking to Your Bubblews Posts

Leave a brief descriptive overview of your Bubblews post in your PWG Site so you can get credit for a page view here as well as on your Bubblews post. Feel free to insert a picture to sharpen your overview. Ideally, for this type of post you will want the entire descriptive to fill up the main page snippet yet not cut off your link to your Bubblews post. When you copy/paste the link here, be sure to highlight your Bubblews url and click the "Link" tab in your editor. So readers can point & click to your Bubblews post to Like it.

Post ID Tag: 10197


  1. wow, PWG is really awesome for allowing everyone to advertise bubblews posts :) Kudos to the moderators and to you Eden :)

    1. It's tough out here for writers. We are so accustomed to being told WHERE we are allowed to speak. I often wonder if other sites value what we have to say so much that they do not want us to speak unless it's on their site. :P

    2. it's like telling a child " i'll take care of you, but I will leave you in the dark for now ok" lol
      But thank you for this opportunity :)

  2. I was wondering this very thing earlier this morning. Thanks for reading my mind and answering thus :)

  3. thank you for this, but i think i post too often and will be a bother to everyone if I put up a link to everything i generate on the internet.... i create at least two dozen pages a day.

  4. Clarrification: Aside from Bubblews, if a writer have also written from other site which is his original work, is it also acceptable to post and link here?
