Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We Are What We Create

As a writer, your name is your "brand", and what you create is what people are going to identify that brand with. Do you want to be a "name brand", or do you want to be known for neurotic ramblings?

I apologize if my label of less formal writings seems a bit harsh, but it really is what you are putting forth to all the world when you write such things. You are what you write. You are all that you create. Someone who knows you only through your writings will know only that which you create, and to them, that is what you will be.

That is not to say you cannot create anecdotal writings that tell the events of a day, or a particular occurrence in your life. However, if they are not put forth in an interesting manner, who is to say they will be read at all. If you put forth only myopic drivel, even when it is read, people are far less likely to read your work again, unless you made it interesting the first time.

This is something you should remember in each and every piece you write, even if it is only a brief post. You never know which piece of your work will be the first one that a particular reader reads. You should endeavor to make each and every one count, and represent you at your best as a writer.

So, if you must tell the story of how your aunt came over for dinner last night, or how you had a bout of road rage on the way home; at least make it the most epic piece of story telling you can possibly put forth. This, and only this will make your readers care about such things enough to give you a second read.


  1. I will always write what I feel strongly about and stuff I like

    1. That's great Daniel! I feel the same way. You should not have a problem then, your work will always reflect your passion!
