Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentines Day: how the Japanese celebrate.

Hello everyone. I’m new at this, so please forgive any mistakes that I might make. Anyways, I’m glad to have been invited and to have form part of this new community. I look forwards to having a good time here. Anyways, this is a very quick experimental first post to share an article that I posted earlier today on Bubblews. The post is about how the Japanese celebrate Valentine’s Day and for the full article please visit: Hope everyone enjoys!


  1. Thanks for sharing! be sure to include a working link to anything you wish to be seen off the site. and add tags "labels" so Google can include your posts in the search engine

  2. Thanks, I knew I forgot something, will sure keep it in mind for my next post :)

  3. You can still do it for any post you have submitted. These is an edit button at the bottom to go back in and add tags, etc.

  4. I fixed the tags/lables, but struggling with getting that link to be active.
