Monday, February 10, 2014

PWG: It's Like Facebook But It Pays You.

What if Facebook paid you a portion of the millions they earn from your page views everyday? Would that be special? How about if they paid you 100% of their total revenue earned from page views? That sounds amazing, I agree. That's the model behind this new social networking blog platform called Preferred Writers Group (PWG) myself and a few fellow writers are developing. 

Sharing and Commenting
If you enjoy posting on Facebook & Commenting on your friend's posts, you can do that here and earn real money. 150 - 200 words or slightly more than a paragraph is enough to be considered a post. In fact, this post has already met the minimum required for a post here. Submit a post and leave comments on your friend's post. It's that easy.

Watch Your Earnings Grow
The overall projected earnings is posted on every page. So you will always have a good idea of how well we are doing. At the end of the month these earnings are divided up by page views and every member gets paid based upon their total valid page views. Here is where PWG begins to differ from any other site. You get paid 100% of your total earnings in valid page views promptly on a monthly basis. As we grow the payouts will become weekly.

Back Link, Re-Post & Promote
As long as your content is yours, you can re-post here. You can back link to your other revenue sites. You can promote your product or articles located elsewhere with links directly from your posts. As writers ourselves, we can relate and are supportive of your need to earn. Rather than come down on you for even mentioning other earning sites, we hope to be resourceful to our members in every way possible. One of the most popular questions is, "Where can I earn money online?" Here you can tell them. You can share the links to those sites directly from your posts. & Yahoo Contributor Network. And even share the pros and cons of other sites based on your experience.

I'm No Hemingway
You don't have to be. A simple paragraph about your day, will earn you money on every valid page view. The same thing you would typically submit on a long Facebook post will earn you real money here. If you would like to learn more about PWG and get in on the ground floor of a great new earnings site Click the "How It Works" Link in the top toolbar!

Post ID Tag: 10197


  1. I am looking forward to contribute.

  2. That is the reason, I never write a word on FB. I post my links and that's about all I do there .)
