Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Poetry for St. Patrick's Day--a Shamrock of Three Poems

Photo © Kathryn Darden
Leprechauns, kelly green, shamrocks, pots of gold... In honor of the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick, whose day we celebrate every March 17, here is my shamrock of three wee poems about Ireland and Saint Patrick which I wrote for St. Patrick's Day.

Ireland Acrostic: A Poem About the Emerald Isle

I reland always beckoning:
R ainbows and pots of gold;
E merald Isle ever glistening in Celtic tales of old;
L eprechauns, lurking, listening;
A ncient Druids by Saints redeemed.
N omad offspring seek those green shores,
D rawn to Eire like ancient reckoning.

Saint Patrick the Shepherd - a Poem for Children for St. Patrick's Day

  St. Patrick as a young man
Was captured and carried away.
He became a slave in Ireland,
Where he's loved until this day
Patrick tended his sheep flock,
Where he heard the voice of God,
And he became a shepherd,
To those born on Irish sod.
He used the Irish shamrock
To teach the trinity.
He showed the Celtic Church
The path to Eternity.
So wear your green with honor
And remember this great man --
A saint who learned as a captive
To seek God and follow his plan.

St. Patrick Acrostic - a Poem for Saint Patrick's Day

S ent to Ireland by God,
T aken there by force.
P atrick tended his flock
A nd listened to the Lord.
T ime ended his bondage
R eturning as a free man.
I nspiring with stories and service,
C eltic Christians honored him,
K eeping his memory forever green.

All poems © Kathryn Darden

Small images from Bukisa & Wikimedia commons

Also see:

Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing the link to these St. Patrick's Day poems with others. This poetry is © Kathryn Darden, all rights reserved,  and is not available to repost on websites, blogs, discussion boards, Facebook, or to translate and post elsewhere without written permission.

Previously published on Bukisa on Feb 27th, 2009
Post ID KD214

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