Wednesday, February 12, 2014

OOps, Forgot the Title - Still a great writing platform with Blogger

I like this writing style a little better than other ones, as there is HTML as well as the ability to link, pictures and videos are allowed here. I like that there is a number of words rather than spaces. I like that this is set up with blogger than any other platform. I can check my spelling, make bullet and numbered lists, change the font to something cool, and have bold, italic, and underlined words. I can even make the text in color or highlight a word to make it more noticeable

All in all, a great way to go. And finally, I can link my website to this post:
Thank you for something different.
Thank you
Laura of Laura-n-Sasha 


  1. Hi Welcome! I was hoping you would find us. Glad to see you made it. Bubblews yanked my review of the PWG even though I checked and see reviews of other pay sites reviewed on their pages. And yes, I've been getting some pokes about our little .blogspot but I think it's the best way to go. We pay absolutely nothing for the space, Google owns our platform so we enjoy that "premium" Ad ranking and get the best ads first. This will result in us having all of our revenue going to our writers. And I'm great at coding so our little blogspot really doesn't even look like a blogspot. I can take the heat. We will be blogspotting to the bank in no time.

    1. So how do you tag? I can not figure that out?
      I wanted to get in early as I think this will be a great place to be. Thanks!

    2. I'm concerned about overspreading the split, I'm not exactly a communist. I would hate for anyone to just sit back and relax.

  2. Hi, Laura-n-Sasha!
    Welcome to the community!
    Tags are easy. They are called "labels" in the Blogger platform. You simply click the "Add Labels" button to the right of your article, and add away (your must put the + symbol before your tags here)...then be sure to save, of course!
    Happy Writing! :D

  3. Oh, and to "tag" people...say, within your article, or in a comment even, you simply put the + symbol in front of their name! :D

    1. Oops, that did not work, how about this: +Laurie Tysinger ?

    2. I have not been able to figure out the tagging of people, lets try this: #Laurie Tysinger

    3. nope not working, anyone one want to show me how it works?

  4. Laura-n-Sasha, it's fun to see people I know form Bubblews here. My Bubblews user name is Forseti.

    1. Cool, Jason! I like this format too, makes sense.
