Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oh boy, I'm exhausted!

Well, that's it. I know how to get onto the front page, and after a day of doing a lot of liking and commenting and clicking and cleaning out my profile comments, I made it there.

That's Bubblews, of course. I'm always on the front page here with every new post.

I'm starting a series there about getting free or cheap tickets on airlines, coupled with how to achieve elite flyer status.

You know Ryan Bingham in Up in the Air? Well, that's kind of like my life. I do a lot of flying.

Anyway. I just thought I'd share the news, because obviously I can't write an exubilant post at Bubblews.

I'll just bask in the glory there for a bit before I write the next in the series.


Image: My own work
Copyright © 2014 Skyring and may not be used without permission. Article and photo may be shared, if properly credited and linked back to this source.

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