Thursday, February 20, 2014

Many Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea has been popular in China and other Asian countries and the people of China have been drinking green tea for thousands of years for its medicinal purposes. This tea has been shown to provide many therapeutic benefits.
Unlike Black tea, which is fermented, green tea is steamed and dry roasted. The dried leaves are not allowed to ferment and research has discovered that process possibly is why green tea preserves the cancer preventative ingredient in the tea. The least amount of processing gives the tea its green color and gives it a flowery flavor along with maintaining the active ingredients that produce the green tea’s benefits. Green tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant and the leaves in green tea contain essential oils, polyphenols, caffeine, minerals, vitamins, and fluoride.

This growing research on green tea has shown that drinking the tea for a long period of time has a preventive effect on cancer in the digestive tract, stomach, and colon.
Caffeine is an active ingredient in green tea and although it has its many benefits it does have a high level of caffeine. Depending on the length of time it brews a 6 oz. cup can have as much as 10-50 mg of caffeine. This stimulant helps improve concentration and it also raises alertness. However it also increases the heart rate and can keep you up at night and can cause irritability and stomach upset.
Green tea’s medicinal benefits are numerous. Green tea can prevent tooth decay; the fluoride in the tea hardens the tooth enamel and makes them more resistant to decay. The tea helps with high blood pressure, and several forms of cancer. The polyphenols, a natural chemical in plants that prevent cellular damage, inhibit the growth of cancer cells and any development of tumors. This tea also kills bacteria, lowers Cholesterol, and helps combat the influenza virus.

During menopause drinking green tea will provide women with the extra nutrients that are needed drinking it on a daily basis.
Green tea is known to melt fat for dieters. Its cholesterol lowering effect has no calories and is considered as a supplement when drank daily.
The most common types of Green tea are:
Sencha. It is widely used in Japan and the most common tea available.
Bancha: Contains a low amount of caffeine and the tea is similar to Sencha but has a bitter taste...
In India: Green Darjeeling tea is gentle on the body and is grown in the Himalaya Mountains.
China: Gunpowder tea, the leaves are rolled tight and look like gunshot pellets. They unfurl when placed in water.
Jasmine Tea: a flowery tea which is actually made from jasmine flowers, some varieties are combinations of Black and green teas.
Green tea has a bitter flavor that coffee drinkers will enjoy and the caffeine content which is less than coffee will help keep the caffeine withdrawal headaches away.
Green tea has become so popular that many flavors have been added to the leaves to give it a fruity taste.

Article from my Hubpage

Source: medicine Dept. of National College of
naturopathic Medicine, Oregon
ID Post mac217

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy a good cup of green tea every once in a while. I have a hard time with the bitterness sometimes.
