Thursday, February 20, 2014

It's Time For Me To Give PWG The Attention It Deserves

I have to admit I had a rather slow start here on PWG. Although the news that a new and fresh writing site is ready to take off the world by storm was truly exciting, I didn’t start my new adventure at full speed. I preferred to wait for a while and see the site grow, but I promised myself that I would write my first original PWG post by the end of this week, and here it is. I can finally say that from now on the Preferred Writers Group is officially part of my writing life.
 I can’t deny the fact that I am in a position where I find it hard to make up my mind on where to post a new article, and from now PWG is going to make my choice even harder. It will enter a tough competition with several other sites, and especially with FullofKnowledge and Bubblews. Therefore, whenever a new idea crosses my mind and I start to develop it, I also have the difficult task of choosing where to publish the final product. It will always be hard to decide which site should have priority, but I’m glad there are several options to choose from.

I can see that PWG is growing really fast. It will soon have more than 100 members and the blog’s earnings are also going up fast. Therefore I am eager to be an active contributor to the site’s welfare  by writing, meeting new people and interacting with them. It is basically the beginning of a new and exciting journey into the wonderful realms of knowledge and communication, and why not, it may become my preferred writing and earning site as well.  
At the end of my first original PWG post I want to say hello to all the members of this new and very promising site. I hope we’ll get to know each other better and share our thoughts and impressions as often as possible. Long live PWG! 

Post ID Tag : 30177


  1. I agree with Arvi that this is more professional looking than Bubblews. I think the higher the quality of the articles we put here the more we will all make.

  2. I also held back at first. I wanted to submit something badly but came to a blank. I agree it is more professional here, however I see it as a good thing. I much rather read quality posts and have organic traffic.
