Friday, February 14, 2014

Introduction and Questions

First let me say that I'm thrilled to be a part of a new writing community where we get paid to post about what we like and socialize. It's nice after a long day of writing for others to come somewhere and just have fun.

I wanted to introduce myself to the community. I'm a major tech geek and I've been a freelance writer for eight years now. Though I keep putting it off, I will have several blogs/sites up and running in just a few months. I'm extremely excited to finally have the time to start working on my own personal projects while advancing my freelancing career.

Just so you know what to expect from me, most of my posts will likely deal with the latest tech news, music, writing tips and useful sites that I find. Some weeks, I may not be able to socialize much at all due to other projects, but I'll do my best to be here several times a week for a new post and to check out what everyone else is doing.

If you're interested in where I got my online writing start, check out my (mainly tech) pieces on Yahoo Contributor Network.

Now I have a few questions for everyone.
1. What are your interests?
2. Are there any tech subjects or news you'd like me to cover?

Feel free to comment. I'll check back often to see what everyone has to say.


  1. yeah actually. do you have an update on whether any of those sound tables are being made from a few years ago? the ones where you put little cubes on the table and it starts to generate noise? bjork did a song with one. I forgot the name or i would look it up, that's music AND tech for you.

    1. Which song was it? I'll check it out and see what I can find.

    2. OH it's called a reactable - have fun discovering the COOLEST gadget that.... sort of never went anywhere...

    3. That is so awesome!!! I was never a big Bjork fan, but I'm glad you pointed this out. Did you see there is a Reactable app? Not quite as cool, but still neat. I'll do a post soon about what happened with this technology.

  2. Welcome, C.D.
    All your YCN stuff looks interesting! The Cube thing on the Bjork song Drew asks about sounds fascinating! I can't wait to hear about that! I am a musician and a big music fan!
    Hope to read more soon!
