Thursday, February 13, 2014

Inside your Bubble

"I saw the image of you holding a drink... but you were smiling. That's ironic, because I read your musings on passion. I've experienced passion. I have experienced tawdry passion that will both haunt and excite me long into my twilight.  I have been driven mercilessly by the curse of passion that never lets me sleep for long. I have been soothed in fevered dream by the fleeting passion of the mere memory of her kiss.  

Do you fancy yourself one of us? Are you now a writer, Sir? Because I think I'd recognize the scent. I only ask because, although writers do drink, we rarely smile when we do. Like ex-drunks, there is no such creature as an ex-writer. When the pain is too much to bear, writers drink. When the pain is excruciating... we write."

Post ID Tag: 10197


  1. Is it bad that what she said made total sense to me?

    1. Drew. I featured your image in that piece when I posted it on Facebook. It's completely unrelated to the piece but I like the image and it would not let go of my post. So I included it. It really is a beautiful picture. btw are we friends on fb?

  2. This is great. It should be the blog's motto. There should be a banner on the front page with this quote on it.
